Bernadette Crane
B.A. Hons, PGCE
Qualified and Registered Mindfulness Teacher
Mindfulness Courses, Training, Retreats and Events
Online and In Person Classes

Summer Retreat
Summer Retreat
Available spots
Service Description
The theme of this years Summer Retreat is 'Non - Striving'. Our culture teaches us from an early age that we are not productive members of society unless we are constantly busy. Alternatively, min fulness suggetss that the more we strive the less productive we actually become. We need to take regular time out to allow things to be just as they are, without us feeling the need to effect them in any way, as this just make us stressed and anxious . During this retreat you will explore the idea of 'non-striving' and how it can benefit your life. You will practice meditations and relaxations that help to achieve the state of non-striving and leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed. The Itinerary for this retreat should look something like this: Welcome and Drinks Morning Meditation: Sitting with what is Mindful Movement: Slow and Steady Qi Gong Listening without Responding Activity Seasonal Mindful Lunch Vipassana: Seeing things as they really are Discussion: How can I practice non striving in my own life? Relaxing and Refreshing Body Scan and Body Scan and Sound Healing

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
The Happy Body Project, The Happy Body Project Wellness Centre, Centre, Old Main Road, Wilstead Hill, Beds, UK